Born in 1956
Artist, painter, restorer of oil painting.
1964-68 Art scool. Yaroslavl.
1981-84 Art colledge. Yaroslavl.
1984-86 Art Center of restoration. Moscow.
1986 A constant participant of annual exhibitions of Yaroslavl artists.
Main exhibitions
1993 Museum of History and Architecture. Yaroslavl.
1998 Central Exhibit Hall. Yaroslavl.
2000 Central Concert Hall. Yaroslavl.
2002 Musem of Fine Art. Yaroslavl.
2003 Gallery "Areta". Athens. Greece
2006 Central Exhibit Hall. Yaroslavl.
2006 LightArtGallery. Prague. Chech.
1990 Yuvyaskyala. Finland.
1992 "Natura-2". Fine Art Museum. Yaroslavl.
1996 Bruxelles. Belgium.
1996 Luxemburg.
1997 Modern Art. Moscow.
1998 Exeter. England. Prince Albert Memorial Museum.
2006 ArtIndex. Artists of Petersburg 06. St.Petersburg. Russia.
2006 Art from Former Soviet Union to America. Denver. Co, USA.
2006 Gallery "Na Presne." Moscow
May 2010 Silvana Gallery.Glendale.Ca. USA.
September 2010 International Symposium of Painting "Taches/Taches", Saint Lo, Normandie, France
November 2010 Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York, USA.
The works are kept in Museum and private collections in Russia, England, Ireland, France, Germany, Belgium, Australia, Greece, USA, Italy.
Represented in galleries of Greece, Chech, Canada, Russia.
Artwork name: Green Orchestra